
Diamond Ring

The diamond in the circle, felt completely home while the circle didn’t feel like a complete whole.

The diamond in the circle, felt miserable for its sharp edges resting on the circle while the circle felt connected yet empty.

Little that they knew, they were made into symbols worn to vow trust, honesty and loyalty in pursuit of their love’s forever.

While they both strive to be good enough for each other.


Tell me

Tell me how to breathe, without the hurt

Even when the silence exerts

Then tell me how we love and no force on Earth could doubt

For tell me how to be in this world, even when it gets dark, we’ll find a way out.


Will you love me

I sat there wondering

How our love would weigh

When it turns blue


And I sat there wondering

How my heart would be if you ever broke me into two


But wondering makes a twist to the moments of love I could miss

And maybe I’ll never have to wonder if you’ll love me still when it all breaks loose.

For I hold to your promise that it will always be me for you.

